Thursday, January 7, 2010

Saving Animals

Once upon a time there was a girl named Alley. She loved saving animals; that's what she was born to do her parents say. Because animals are brought to a shelter and put down she says it's been happening way too often. So, today, she went to the forest behind her house where most of the animals are.  Then urging them into cages, she carried them home. She was listening for noises from other animals when she heard a "bark bark." She looked behind a bush and found a little Pinscher puppy, a Pug, a German Shepherd, a Yorkshie terrier, a Golden Retriever, and Chihuahuas. She put them in cages to carry them home but, when she was about to leave, she heard tiny meows and she found four cats so she put them in cages too. When she got home she went up to her room with them, went on her, and made a website called "Give the Animals a Permanent Home." And that's how she got the title "Animal Saver" and she continues to do it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

I Found you

Once upon a time there was a girl whose father disappeared when she was five years old. Now she's sixteen and really wants to find him. She knows he's out there somewhere. She said to herself, I just got to find him but how?

She got on a plane to where he was last seen in New Jersey before he disappeared. When she landed she booked a room at a hotel called the Samber Lay and started the mystery. She asked the employee if her father ever booked a room there. The employee said no.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm very sure."
She went to the jungle where she found him but, sadly, it was the bones of him only. I told my family. We all cried.

The End